The Deadliest Snakes in the World

Published on March 22, 2020

Atheris Hispida

The Atheris Hispida is quite a unique looking snake and can be found all throughout the rain forests of Central Africa. And yes, this snake is incredibly venemos with massive eyes, bristled scales, and creepily enough, retractable claws (!!). Currently, the biggest scare factor is that there is no known antivenin.

Hairy Bush Viper (Atheris Hispida)

Hairy Bush Viper (Atheris Hispida)

Malayan Snake

Also known as the Blue Krait, this snake can be found throughout Southeast Asia and Indonesia. About half of the bites are fatal even if you receive the proper antivenin! Now that’s just plain wrong. The Malayan has a venom that is 16 times more toxic than the Cobra, which doesn’t give us any warm, cozy feelings whatsoever.

Malayan Snake

Malayan Snake