The Deadliest Snakes in the World

Published on March 22, 2020

Inland Taipan

The Inland Taipan is a terribly deadly snake in terms of pure venom as the mixture of taipoxin and neurotoxin will lead to paralysis, blood hemorrhaging, limited breathing, and intense muscle damage. It tends to dwell in inland Australia, and is actually quite reclusive and shy. What’s more is if one does attack, you will likely be dead within 30 to 45 minutes, unless you’re treated almost immediately. That’s not very comforting.

Inland Taipan

Inland Taipan

Russell’s Viper

All throughout Asia, you can find Russell’s Viper. Also known as the Daboia, it is considered one of India’s ‘Big Four’ deadly snakes. This snake is responsible for the most snakebite incidents and deaths among all other venomous snakes because of their wide distribution, aggressive demeanor, and frequent occurrences in highly populated areas. All the things no one ever wants to hear when it comes to snakes.

Russel's Viper

Russel’s Viper