Three’s Company first aired back in 1977 on ABC. From then on the show would become a staple for most family’s looking to relax in front of the television together. Three’s Company would run for 172 episodes from ’77 all the way to ’84. Despite being a hugely popular show there are still some things you don’t know about these Three’s Company characters. Keep on reading for surprising facts about the show!
Last Minute Name
Much like our internet dating experiences nothing was decided until the last minute in terms of a name for the show. Apparently the writers had no idea what to call the program and thus settled on Three’s Company at the last minute. Works for us! If only things would work out as well when we use those free online dating services.
Three Pilot Episodes
Most script’s tend to only get one pilot episode in order to see if the program will get picked up. However our crew was lucky enough to have three chances at it. On the third try it looks like things went well — Three’s Company would be seeing the light of day.