Her Background
The mother’s name is Madelyn Scheaffer. She and her children lived in Odessa, Missouri. Madelyn dedicated her life to her children and she constantly worked to make them happy, making lots of sacrifices for them.

Her Background
Initial Health Problems
Due to her time working and taking care of her children, Madelyn would forget to take care of herself. She ate poorly and couldn’t find the time to exercise. This all changed after an unfortunate accident took place.

Initial Health Problems
Unfortunate Incident
In 2005, Madelyn went to make herself a bath. As she leaned over the tub, she slipped and fell into the bathtub. When medical responders arrived, Madelyn did not want to be moved. The pain was too excruciating. Therefore, she laid in the tub for a few days.

Unfortunate Incident
Self Diagnosis for Change
As she stayed in the tub for days on end, Madelyn started to think about her life and her priorities. She realized that she had not been taking care of herself. That was when she decided to make changes, especially with her health.

Self Diagnosis For Change
A Slight Delay on the Way
Madelyn recalls that her injury, which resulted in a slipped disc, should have been the event that jump started her weight loss journey. It only ignited the idea. After about a year, she decided to get working.

A Slight Delay On The Way
Two Years to Success
It took Madelyn about two years to drop 100 pounds. Weighing 170 pounds, she was in the best shape of her life, and she maintained her healthy figure even five years after her initial weight loss. Little did she know that this would affect her day at a water park.

Two Years To Success
Any Other Normal Day
It started out as a normal blistering hot day. Madelyn decided to take her family to Adventure Oasis Water Park. Seven years since her slipped disc incident, Madelyn made a lot of progress on her health. Therefore, she wanted to show off some of her hard work.

Any Other Normal Day
Getting Dressed for the Outing
Since she had more confidence than usual, Madelyn opted for a black bikini she had recently bought. Thinking nothing of it, since so many women wear bikinis, she and her family left for the park.

Getting Dressed For The Outing
A Kick of Confidence
Madelyn and her family paid for the tickets and entered the park. When they arrived at the pool, Madelyn was able to show off her newfound confidence she worked so hard for. She says that she did not feel jealous for the first time in a long time.

A Kick Of Confidence
Someone Was Watching
Madelyn did not feel ashamed of her body. She saw other women around wearing bikinis just like hers and felt that she could be confident in her skin. However, little did she know that someone was watching her since she entered the park.

Someone Was Watching
Unfortunate Encounter
Madelyn took off her towel and entered the water. As she started to enjoy her time at the park, two female employees of the park approached her. She could not believe what they had to say.

Unfortunate Encounter
Baffling Accusation
The two female staffers informed Madelyn that she was wearing an inappropriate outfit for the family park. They considered her bikini too small and too skimpy for the environment they tried to maintain.

Baffling Accusation
Speechless Response
Madelyn could not believe what the two workers were saying to her. She had them repeat what they were saying to her since she was so stunned by their accusation. Madelyn did not feel that her outfit was inappropriate nor did she go out of her way to make it so.

Speechless Response
No Reason to be Inappropriate
Madelyn didn’t understand why she was the target. As she looked around, she saw many other women wearing similar bikinis and others that were far skimpier. Plus, her bottoms are “full” bottoms. Now, why is she the subject for ridicule?

No Reason To Be Inappropriate
Initial Reaction
After her initial response of speechlessness, Madelyn was quick to change to embarrassment. They were singling her out among the many other people. However, her embarrassment soon converted to anger.

Initial Reaction
Subject of Humiliation
Madelyn felt that the two female workers were violating her since they were not telling any other women of their inappropriate outfits. She was confident in her body and didn’t want to be ashamed of what she worked for. She had to take a stand.

Subject Of Humiliation
Striking Back
Madelyn started to ask the women why they felt her outfit was inappropriate. They claimed it was because her bikini bottoms were too revealing. Madelyn was quick to explain that they were “full” bottoms and intentionally cover more skin.

Striking Back
Her New Motto
Madelyn felt that everyone should embrace their bodies and not feel ashamed for them. Since she had recently gained confidence in herself, she wanted to make a difference. She explains that had this taken place five years ago, she would have backed down.

Her New Motto
The Ultimatum
The two workers told Madelyn that she could stay at the park if she wore a pair of shorts over her bikini bottoms. If she didn’t, then they would have to kick her out. Furious with the ultimatum, Madelyn demanded to talk to the supervisor.

The Ultimatum
Speaking to the Supervisor
When Madelyn talked to the supervisor, it became clear that the higher ups were on the two female workers’ side. Madelyn stuck to her guns and refused to wear shorts. If they wanted her out of the park, then they would need to call the police.

Speaking To The Supervisor
Empathy for the Confident Mother
About fifteen minutes after refusing to leave, the police showed up to escort Madelyn out of the park. Madelyn reports that they were sympathetic to her cause and even said they sided with her. However, they still had to fulfill their job.

Empathy For The Confident Mother
The Aftermath
Madelyn felt that she was singled out for being a 43-year-old woman with the confidence of wearing a bikini. It hurt her that she was the target since she never had the confidence to wear a bikini in her life before.

The Aftermath
In interviews after the incident, Madelyn said the whole situation felt like age and body discrimination. She could look around and see teenage and young adult women with smaller suits but they did not get asked to cover up. Seeing this as unfair, Madelyn wanted to do more.

Taking it to Facebook
Madelyn did not want this event to go ignored. She wanted to spread a message of body positivity so that no woman has to experience the discrimination she felt at the water park. She wrote about it on Facebook and it went viral.

Taking It To Facebook
Going One Step Further
Madelyn also contacted the local news to spread the word even more. People would come out and support her, telling her how ridiculous the water park’s actions were. Many people also wrote on Facebook to express their support.

Going One Step Further
Global Support
People in her local community expressed their solidarity and agreement with Madelyn because of her posts and the news. Facebook allowed her to connect with a global audience. Madelyn claims that she has gotten support from people in multiple countries.

Global Support
Spreading a Message of Positivity
Madelyn hopes that changes are made to the policies at the water park. For now, she is applauding those who favor pride over shame when it comes to appearances. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes and deserve to be celebrated.

Spreading A Message Of Positivity
Changes for the Future
Madelyn explains that she thinks money cannot fix the problem that arose when she was at the Adventure Oasis Water Park. It starts from within. The only way there can be change to prevent discrimination is to change policies.

Changes For The Future
Not the Only Case
Madelyn’s case was not the only time that women felt discriminated against for their clothes. Sarah Villafane, who attended the College of Charleston, had a similar situation happen to her while she was working out at the gym.

Not The Only Case
Daily Routine
Sarah had three classes and wanted to go to the gym at the end of the day. Therefore, she wore her gym clothes through her classes to save time. This was a normal thing for her to do since she was always busy and liked to finish the day working out.

Daily Routine
Her Outfit
Sarah wore black leggings and a black cropped sleeveless shirt for the day. While her shirt showed a little bit of her stomach, her leggings were high-waisted; she had a decent amount of coverage.

Her Outfit
Blindsided Request
She started her workout at the gym when an employee went up to her, asking Sarah to change her shirt. Sarah did not know what to do. She thought her shirt was completely appropriate for the gym.

Blindsided Request
Continuing the Workout
Sarah told the employee that she didn’t have another shirt. She continued with her workout, slightly uncomfortable with the fact that people thought her outfit was inappropriate. Then, an employee approached her again.

Continuing The Workout
Put a Shirt On
The next employee told Sarah that she needed to put on a shirt. To Sarah’s dismay, she thought she already had a shirt on. She responded that she had a shirt, but the employee expressed she needed to wear a “whole shirt.” Sarah was shocked by their accusation.

Put A Shirt On
Talk to the Manager
Sarah could not believe the employee was not satisfied with her shirt. They did not explain other than the fact that it was “inappropriate.” The employee threatened to send over their supervisor if Sarah did not take the situation seriously.

Talk To The Manager
Sarah chatted with the manager of the gym. He told her that she needed to put on a shirt or else she had to leave. Sarah was still stunned with the employees’ accusations, negating the manager by simply saying she already had a shirt on.

Leaving the Gym
Sarah decided to leave the gym with a feeling of embarrassment. The gym employees did not handle the situation well. They could have been kinder and more informative of what was wrong with her shirt.

Leaving The Gym
Spreading the Word on Facebook
Sarah took her frustrations to Facebook and explained the event. Her top was an athletic shirt, so it should have been appropriate for working out. Some people even pointed out that she had worn the top to her classes and no problems arose there.

Spreading The Word On Facebook
A Better Explanation
The gym Sarah attended saw her posts online and provided a better explanation for what happened. They said that the main reason was because of sanitation. Wearing covering workout clothes reduces direct contact with machines and other equipment.

A Better Explanation
A Better Handling of the Situation
Sarah felt that the gym employees never brought up sanitation as an issue. They simply relied on her shirt being inappropriate. The employees should have handled the situation better, reassuring her that she was not a target of discrimination.

A Better Handling Of The Situation