Female Soldiers
Israel is one of two countries in the world that drafts women into the army for mandatory service. These young women draft at the age of 18 years old and serve at least two years in the armed forces. They take up roles in combat and non-combat positions.

Female Soldiers
Life’s A Beach
Who doesn’t love the beach? Definitely not the Israelis! In fact they have 137 official beaches, yet they only have 273 km of coastline. No wonder the Zohan spent so much time on the beach!

Life’s A Beach
World Record Flight
Israel’s national airline, El Al, holds the world record for transporting the most passengers on a commercial jet with an incredible 1088 passengers! They set this record during “Operation Solomon” while airlifting Ethiopian Jews from Addis Ababa in 1991. Two babies were even born on the 747 during the flight.

World Record Flight
Doggy Cemetery
Dogs have been a part of humans’ lives for thousands of years, but since when has the idea of dog cemeteries been around? The oldest dog cemetery can be found in Ashkelon, Israel. It is believed that the dog remains unearthed there can be traced back to the 3rd to 5th centuries.

Doggy Cemetery
Einstein For President
Did you know that the genius, Albert Einstein, was Jewish? The brilliant theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity was offered to become Israel’s first prime minister. Although he was honored by the offer, he turned down the proposal.

Einstein For President
Gay Capital
Unlike other countries’ stance towards gays, Israel is very open to and accepting of homosexuality. Every year since 1979, the Pride Parade is held in Tel Aviv and has numbers as high as 200,000. Out Magazine called Israel the gay capital of the Middle East.

Gay Capital
Tree Treasure
Israel is one of two countries in the entire world which came into the 21st century with a greater number of trees than it had previously. This achievement can be attributed greatly to a project called KKL which encourages tree planting.

Tree Treasure
Natalie Portman
Some very talented actors and actresses have come out of Israel, and Natalie Portman is a great example of this. She was born in Jerusalem and returns to visit whenever she can.

Natalie Portman
Wonder Woman
Not only is she a model and an actress, she is Wonder Woman! She also served in the Israeli Defense Forces and she is one very impressive celebrity… very down-to-Earth too.

Wonder Woman
Underweight Models
Israel became the first country to ban underweight models from competing in beauty contests. Beauty models have to have a BMI of more than 18.5 and each model must submit a 3-month health report before a shoot. This project’s aim was to fight anorexia.

Underweight Models
Jews Against Israel
While there might be some Jewish people who don’t agree with all the policies of Israel’s government, there’s a small sect that takes it to the extreme. The ultra-orthodox Jewish sect of “Neturei Karta” believes that the State of Israel shouldn’t exist. They have even met with prominent leaders of Israel’s enemies, like former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The group calls for “peaceful dismantlement of the State.”

Jews Against Israel
Robert Kennedy’s Assassination
On June 5th, 1968, 24-year-old Palestinian Sirhan Bishara Sirhan attacked Robert Kennedy at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. He shot Kennedy 3 times and wounded a number of others on site. His motive was Kennedy’s support for Israel during the Six Day War which took place exactly one year earlier.

Robert Kennedy’s Assassination
Money For The Blind
There are only a few countries in the world that can be proud to make this claim, and Israel is one of them. Bank notes in Israel have braille markings on them, making it easy for blind people to use them.

Money For The Blind
Borat In Israel
Sacha Baron Cohen, a British comedian and actor, made the ridiculous mocumentary of “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan” in 2006. The movie wasn’t welcomed everywhere with great interest, but in Israel it was. One of the main reasons being that most of the “Kazakh” language was actually Hebrew.

Borat In Israel
Pakistani Passports
If you were to take a look inside a Pakistani passport, you’d see that it read, “This passport is valid for all countries in the world, except Israel.” The reason for this is because Pakistan uses this method to boycott Israel. Pakistan isn’t the only country to implement this ban, though.

Pakistani Passports
High Life Expectancy
Out of all the countries in the Arab-Muslim world, Israel has the highest life expectancy for Arabs. The life expectancy is 79 years.

High Life Expectancy
College Degrees
In ratio to population, Israelis have the highest number of college degrees per person in the world. Talk about spending your time in college!

College Degrees
Official Languages
Even though most road signs in Israel are in 3 languages, there are only two official languages. Signs might read in Hebrew, Arabic and English, but English is not one of the official languages.

Official Languages
The Uzi
You know that neat little submachine gun that good guys always carry in one hand in the movies? Well that beautiful piece of weaponry is actually an Israeli invention. Major Uzi Gaf invented the easy-to-use gun and it made its way into IDF service in 1954 officially.

The Uzi
Museum Mania
Israel might be a tiny country, but it has a lot of space for museums apparently. The Jewish State has more museums per capita than any other country in the world.

Museum Mania
A Low Point
Did you know that Israel has the lowest point on Earth? That’s right. The Dead Sea, which borders Jordan, sits at 1,315 feet below sea level. This sea is so salty that you can actually float on it! There is no life in the water, and it would take a good amount weights to get you fully submerged in the water.

A Low Point
A Spot In The Middle East
Israel has some interesting neighbors, some of whom are committed to the country’s destruction. There is Lebanon in the north, Syria in the northeast, Jordan to the west, Egypt to the south, and Gaza in the southeast.

A Spot In The Middle East
Peace Treaties
Israel has managed to secure peace treaties with two of its neighbors. The first was Egypt, when they signed an agreement in 1979 making them the first Arab country to recognize the State of Israel. The second was Jordan, who signed the peace treaty in 1994, making them the second Arab country to do so.

Peace Treaties
Kosher Glue
Everyone knows that there are strict laws regarding the food that Jewish people can eat. So it would be fitting that the stamps which they lick before sending a letter would be kosher too. Now that’s taking it to the next level.

Kosher Glue
Kosher McDonald’s
The only place in the world where you can find kosher McDonald’s is in Israel. There are more than 50 kosher outlets in Israel, but if you’re looking for a cheeseburger, you’re going to have to skip it.

Kosher McDonald’s
Bus Stop Charity
If you happen to be waiting long for a bus, you have the opportunity to do a good deed. Many bus stops in the Holy Land have a charity box attached to the bus stop for people to donate to needy families or organizations.

Bus Stop Charity
Leave A Message After The Beep
Would you have guessed that Israelis invented voice mail technology? I think it actually makes sense; some of us know what it’s like to have a Jewish mother.

Leave A Message After The Beep
Sushi Lovers
Going to the party capital of the Middle East, you can treat yourself to a number of sushi restaurants. Maybe “a number” isn’t the right way to put it. There are more than 100 sushi restaurants in Tel Aviv.

Sushi Lovers
Israel is proud to have the world’s highest rate of entrepreneurship of women and people over the age of 55. Talk about empowering a nation!

Transgender Pop Star
When the Jewish State sent Dana International to the Eurovision Song Contest in 1998, they didn’t realize how well she would do. The transgender singer took first place, making her the first transgender participant to win the competition.

Transgender Pop Star
Good And Bad
Israelis understand that it’s important to be healthy… but they also understand that sweets are delicious. It is the world’s third highest consumer of vegetables and sweets.

Good And Bad
Golda Meir
Golda Meir became Israel’s first female prime minister in 1969. This also made her only the 3rd female head-of-state in the modern world.

Golda Meir
Bauhaus Movement
Tel Aviv is an especially good place to spy out Bauhaus buildings. With the massive number of these buildings, Israel has the most Bauhaus buildings in the world.

Bauhaus Movement
Getting Started
There’s no shortage of ideas and innovation in Israel. In fact, Israel has the highest amount of startup companies per capita in the entire world.

Getting Started
Antivirus Software
Can you imagine what it would be like not having an anti-virus system on your computer? Well, we can all thank the Israelis for inventing it in 1979 because without it… well we would be in trouble.

Antivirus Software
Avid Readers
It started more than 2 millennia ago that the Jewish nation were reading from the “Torah”. But today apart from reading from the same scripture, the country is readying a whole lot more. It has translated more books from other languages than any other country in the world.

Avid Readers
Chess Masters
Let’s clarify, we’re talking about chess grandmasters and not just masters. The southern city of Beersheva has the most of these in the world per capita.

Chess Masters
Mini Subway
Do you want to know how small a subway system could be? Just take a look at the miniature 1.8 kilometer track of the Haifa subway system. How adorable is that? It’s like a big train set.

Mini Subway
Reviving A Language
The Hebrew language is synonymous with Israel and for a good reason. Israel became the only country in the world to bring an unspoken language back to full life, and then even make it their national language!

Reviving A Language
Still Burying The Dead
In Israel’s capital of Jerusalem, the Mount of Olives is still being used to bury the dead. This makes it the oldest cemetery in the world that is still in use.

Still Burying The Dead
The Hoopoe
With its beautiful mohawk, the Hoopoe is Israel’s national bird. It is beautiful, and privileged to have enough trees to peck at.

The Hoopoe
Jellyfish Repellent
You’ve heard of insect repellent, but I doubt you’ve ever heard of jellyfish repellent! Israeli inventors put together this incredible creation to ward off jellyfish, specifically since the summer months bring many to their Mediterranean coast.

Jellyfish Repellent
To Space And Beyond
There are only eleven countries in the world that can launch their own satellite into space, and of course, Israel is one of them. The other countries are: Russia, USA, France, Japan, China, UK, India, Iran, North Korea, and Ukraine.

To Space And Beyond
Curing Bad Breath
What’s worse than terrible-smelling bad breath? Nuclear war, but that’s not relevant right now. Israeli scientists have put together a cure for this “ailment”, but how can we get it here?

Curing Bad Breath
Female Lawyers
Around 44% of lawyers in Israel are women. It wouldn’t be right to say that 44% of women in Israel are lawyers, although they might think they are.

Female Lawyers
Libraries On The Go
At train stations and some bus stations across the country, there are bookshelves with second-hand books for travelers to borrow. One can pick up a book and drop it off at a different location once they finish reading it.

Libraries On The Go
Love Is In The Air
When Valentine’s Day comes around, who doesn’t want to send flowers to the ones they love? Israel provided more than 60 million flowers to Europeans who wanted to share the love this past Valentine’s Day.

Love Is In The Air
It’s Tiny
The Middle East is quite large, but Israel is not. The tiny country makes up only 1/6 of 1% of the region’s landmass. That’s pretty tiny!

It’s Tiny
The Iron Dome
You’ve heard of an iron fist, well this is nothing like it. Israel is the only country in the world to have invented an anti-ballistic missile system that intercepts and destroys rockets headed for its civilian population.

The Iron Dome
Blood-Free Diamonds
Israel became the first country to adopt the “Kimberley process”. This adoption meant that they would only deal in diamonds that were “conflict-free”.

Blood Free Diamonds
Immigration Numbers
Despite recent upheaval regarding its immigration policies, Israel is the largest immigrant-absorbing country on the planet.

Immigration Numbers
Lending A Hand
A massive one third of the Israeli population is made up of volunteers. We should all get behind the idea of helping others out without expecting anything in return.

Lending A Hand
In Vitro Fertilization
Not only does Israel have more in-vitro fertilization per capita in the world, it is free too. Having a baby just gets easier and easier.

In Vitro Fertilization
Surviving Cancer Patients
Israel is definitely proud to boast that it has the highest number of surviving cancer patients in the world. It’s not just technology that this country is leading the world with.

Surviving Cancer Patients
Voting Rights
When it comes to voting, all Israeli citizens have this right once they turn 18. This right stands regardless of race, gender or religion.

Voting Rights
Peanut Allergy
Since “Bamba”, a peanut-butter-coated chip snack is part of every child’s upbringing, the number of peanut allergies in Israel is significantly lower than other countries around the world.

Peanut Allergy
Letters In The Wall
When worshipers and tourists visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem, it is customary to write a note and leave it in the wall. The letter’s contents are supposed to reach directly to God. Every year, more than 1 million notes are placed in the wall.

Letters In The Wall
Unexploded Land Mines
In the Golan Heights in northern Israel, there are still minefields with unexploded mines. Even though the areas are cordoned off with barbed wire and warning signs, every now and again an unsuspecting cow takes his last stroll through the high grass.

Unexploded Land Mines
The @ Sign Is Not ‘At’
When giving your email address to an Israeli, don’t tell them ‘at’ gmail, because they say something else. Instead they’ve chosen a lovely pastry name to go with it – strudel! So you might hear an email address like “israelidude(strudel)gmail.com.

The @ Sign Is Not ‘At’
Miss World
Many people know that Israeli women are some of the most beautiful in the world. There’s just something special about that Mediterranean/Middle-Eastern mix that does it. Linor Abargil won the Miss World contest in 1998. She went on to lead an “anti sexual abuse” campaign as she is a lawyer.

Miss World
Flying Cars
Israeli inventor, Rafi Yoeli, is currently working on project that will create flying cars. Now that’s probably the best way to beat busy traffic.

Flying Cars
Kosher Animals
During the Jewish festival of Passover, religious Jews do not eat bread and other wheat-based products. This stringency follows through to the animals in their zoos who only receive kosher for Passover food during the holiday.

Kosher Animals
The Soccer World Cup
Israel might have some fine athletes, but their soccer skills are still in need of some serious growth. The national side made it to the World Cup stage once, in 1970.

The Soccer World Cup
Foreign Humanitarian Aid
When other countries are faced with natural disasters, Israel always sends a rescue team to help. When Iran suffered an earthquake in 2017, Israel offered to send a team of experts to help, but the Iranians turned them down.

Foreign Humanitarian Aid
Happy Country
According the 2018 World Happiness Index, Israel ranked as the 11th happiest country in the world. It placed before other countries like Germany, USA, UK, France and Belgium.

Happy Country
Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu is the current Prime Minister of the State of Israel. He is the first prime minister to have been born after the modern state was established in 1948. He holds the record as the only prime minister to have been re-elected 3 times in a row!

Benjamin Netanyahu
Nuclear Weapons
Many people have been wondering whether Israel has nuclear weapons or not, and the answer you’ve been looking for is… Right, nobody confirms or denies this speculation. So when Israel’s nuclear program is being discussed, you can expect to see the word “alleged” right there at the beginning.

Nuclear Weapons
War Ready
Israel is no stranger to enemy attacks and war. When it comes to fighting wars, Israel is believed to be one of the top battle-ready countries on Earth. The country spends a fortune on national security too, the 6th highest in the world.

War Ready
Krav Maga
Israel is also the home of the famous and deadly “krav maga” self-defense martial arts. It is currently employed as a standard part of the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) training. The martial arts system was created in the 1930’s by Jews suffering from antisemitism in Europe.

Krav Maga
No Sundays
While we enjoy our weekends and suffer on Monday mornings, in Israel Sunday is just a regular working day. Fine, they do get Fridays off or as half-days, but Sundays are Mondays to them. That sucks!

No Sundays
The Tavor
With the constant need for weapon upgrades, IWI (Israeli Weapons Industries) has developed a specialized assault rifle called the “Tavor”. This weapon has become a standard rifle for many of the Israeli Army units, like Golani and Nahal.

The Tavor
Mock Arab City
Warfare in Arab countries has move into a guerrilla style that has pushed the IDF to rethink the way it fights. The Israeli Army has developed a mock Arab town for the sake of training for an event inside a crowded Arab town. It is the biggest of its kind, and Israel’s allies join the IDF to train there.

Mock Arab City
Vegan Capital
Local Tel Avivians have dubbed their city as the vegan capital of the world. But why have they made this claim? Well perhaps having more than 400 vegan-friendly restaurants! There are an estimated 200,000+ vegans living in Israel. Wow!

Vegan Capital
Holy Cow!
This one will moooove you off your seat! Cows in Israel give more milk per cow than any other cows out there. The closest competition is South Korea in this arena.

Holy Cow
The Power Rangers
Would you believe it if I told you that the Power Rangers TV series was created by an Israeli? Israeli-American businessman and philanthropist, Haim Saban, invented one of our most beloved hero shows.

The Power Rangers
Nobel Prize
The first Israeli recipient of the Nobel Prize was Shmuel Yosef Agnon, back in 1966. He was awarded the prestigious prize for his work in literature. Since then Israel has had 11 recipients of this prize.

Nobel Prize
Snow Way!
Considering that Israel is made up mostly of desert, snow seems like an unlikely event. Despite this, Israel suffered a major snowstorm back in 1992. The snow was so plentiful that it even snowed in the Negev desert.

Snow Way
Love That Ice Cream
You’ve heard of bribery and corruption, but have you heard of ice-cream and dessert? Benjamin Netanyahu’s office spent an exorbitant amount of money on ice-cream in 2012. 10,000 Israeli shekels to be exact.

Love That Ice Cream
Bahai Faith
Religious diversity doesn’t exactly flow freely from the Middle East, but in Israel it does. The Bahai faith is a prime example of this. The World Center of their faith is actually located in two Israeli cities, Haifa and Acre.

Bahai Faith
Respecting Your Elders
On many public buses and trains, one can see a sign that reads: “You shall rise before the aged and show deference to the old.” This is a quote from the Biblical book of Leviticus.

Respecting Your Elders
Omri Casspi
Israeli basketball fans were all about celebrating when Omri Casspi, an Israeli basketball star, made the prestigious NBA draft in 2009. He became the first Israeli to do so.

Omri Caspi
When it comes to Microsoft employees, Israel has more than any other country in the world. I guess that explains quite a lot!

Migrating Birds
Israel certainly is a hot-spot for bird lovers. This is especially true each year when more than 500 million birds cross its tiny airspace on the migration routes.

Migrating Birds
Unisex Names
If you’re ever in Israel, you should know that there are quite a lot of names that go both ways. Some names that you might have thought of as male names can easily be used as female names too. Some examples are: Tal, Shahar, Ofek, Rotem, and the most common, Noam.

Unisex Names
Hot Showers
More than 90% of Israeli homes use solar power to get hot water. When there’s that much sun, it would seem ridiculous not to have that!

Hot Showers