Check Out These Fascinating Government Classified Photos

Published on December 3, 2019

Sputnik Knowledge

In 1957, United States citizens were shocked to discover that the Soviet Union launched a satellite, called Sputnik, into space, marking the first major event in the Space Race. However, the United States government knew about the Sputnik plan, potentially even all the way back in 1955.

Sputnik Knowledge

Sputnik Knowledge

An Underrated War Hero

Stanislav Petrov was a Soviet Union solder who chose not to fire a nuclear missile when it looked like the U.S. had launched five missiles at his country. He thought it may be a false alarm and he turned out to be correct, narrowly avoiding a third world war. The records became declassified in 1998 and the world found out about his actions.

An Underrated War Hero

An Underrated War Hero