Dubai, UAE – Facts & Photos Most Tourists Haven’t Seen

Published on July 24, 2023
Dubai! The capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), oh wait, no it isn’t. The actual capital city is Abu Dhabi, just so you know. Dubai is a booming collection of real estate and skyscraper projects that has the world staring with sheer awe. With oil virtually pouring out of their faucets, gold coming out of ATMs (literally) and no income tax, life is wonderful in the UAE, isn’t it?

Police Cars

Are you a car fanatic? Then perhaps making your way to Dubai is worth your while. The highway patrol have the awesome privilege of driving around some of the classiest sports cars in production. With cars like BMW’s, Porsche’s, Lamborghini’s and Ferrari’s, who doesn’t want to get stopped by the cops?

Police Cars

Police Cars

Arab Minority

The United Arab Emirates must be packed with Arabs, right? Wrong. The UAE actually only has a 13% Arab population, but it has a majority Muslim population. Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis make up the majority of the population.

Arab Minority

Arab Minority


The World Islands

Dubai lead the world in the construction of artificial islands. When they created an artificial archipelago off its coast, the world was in awe. But what made it even more impressive was that it resembled the map of the world. Unfortunately these islands are slowly sinking into the ocean.

The World Islands

The World Islands



In 2009, the UAE received the 7th most tourists to its cities. It is advised for visitors to read up on the laws of the land before entering. A Russian woman was arrested for drinking alcohol in public during the fast of Ramadan.




Gold To Go

Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to go to an ATM and “draw” money? In the UAE that’s exactly what you can do. Of course you have to have enough money to be able to do so in the first place.

Gold To Go

Gold To Go


Longer Ramadan

During the fast of Ramadan, while all Muslims can start eating when the sun goes down, those living on the higher floors of the Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai have to wait up to two minutes longer to break their fast. It doesn’t always pay to be so high up, does it?

Longer Ramadan

Longer Ramadan


Ferrari Theme Park

If having Ferrari police cars on their roads wasn’t enough, building a Ferrari theme park must have done the trick. The park, which was built in 2010, is an award-winning theme park and it attracts thousands of tourists.

Ferrari Theme Park

Ferrari Theme Park


Tallest Building

The tallest building in the world sits high and mighty in Dubai. The Burj Khalifa Tower towers an incredible 830 meters high, and it has 163 floors.

Tallest Building

Tallest Building


Snickers For Gas

If you thought getting gold from an ATM was wacky, then what do you think about getting gas in exchange for buying chocolate? A running deal in Dubai was getting a certain amount of gas after buying a Snickers bar. Talk about ensuring your population eats healthy.

Snickers For Gas

Snickers For Gas


Ski Dubai

Ski Dubai is a massive indoor ski resort. If you’re wondering just how massive, we’re talking 22,500 square meters! The indoor ski resort has 5 different runs, each with different difficult, lengths and steepness.

Ski Dubai

Ski Dubai


Tax Free

Can you imagine what a pleasure it would be to live without any income tax? Well in the United Arab Emirates that imagining is actually a reality.

Tax Free

Tax Free


Dubai Construction

Have you ever wondered where all the cranes in the world have gone to? Well 25% of them have landed up in Dubai. The city is booming with construction.

Dubai Construction

Dubai Construction



The UAE hosted the FIFA Club World Cup in 2009. They became the first Middle Eastern country to host a FIFA event, and it was one of the most memorable!




From Camels To Cars

Back when someone asked Sheikh Rashid, the founding father of Dubai, about what the future of Dubai will be, he said the following: “My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I drive a Mercedes, my son drives a Land Rover, his son will drive a Land Rover, but his son will ride a camel.”

From Camels To Cars

From Camels To Cars


No Grass Policy

How strict are the authorities in the UAE when it comes to drugs? Well a man from Britain found himself in jail with a four-year sentence when authorities found marijuana on him. How much are we talking about? Less than the weight of a grain of sugar of weed was discovered wedged in the tread of his shoe. Eventually he was pardoned.

No Grass Policy

No Grass Policy


No Zip Codes

Sending a package to someone in Dubai? Good luck with that, pal. Dubai has a different system of delivering items to its residents, and it includes very detailed directions since there is no postal address system. Yep, no zip or area codes at all.

No Zip Codes

No Zip Codes


Holy Cr*p

If you think not having a postal system is bad, then this one is going to make you think again. In order to get rid of poop, large trucks have to haul the entire population’s excrement out of the city. Ewww!

Holy Crp

Holy Crp


Easy Come, Easy Go

In 2008, when the financial crisis hit, many people in Dubai couldn’t keep their expensive, fancy cars. When they bought them the economy was booming, but when job cutbacks became common, payments for these cars couldn’t be kept up.

Easy Come Easy Go

Easy Come Easy Go


Kyoto Protocol

Even though the UAE is a major oil exporter, it has called for the renewal of the Kyoto protocol. Believe it or not, the UAE is a great investor in solar power. We didn’t see that coming.

Kyoto Protocol

Kyoto Protocol


Inspiration From America

Before we saw the wonders of the Burj Khalifa, Frank Lloyd worked on its original design. Back in 1956, Wright had his eyes set on a building that would reach a mile up, approximately 528 stories high. His dream inspired the building of the Burj in Dubai which took his design, but only managed to reach half a mile high.

Inspiration From America

Inspiration From America


Pirates And Sheikhs

Historically the Persian Gulf was coined the Pirate Coast, and for good reason. Up until 1853, the route’s travelers would be attacked by pirates who would raid their cargo. Believe it or not, the descendants of those pirates are now the rulers of the UAE and Qatar.

Pirates And Sheikhs

Pirates And Sheikhs


Free Laptops

When a tornado hit the city of Joplin in Missouri, the United Arab Emirates was quick to help/ They didn’t send aid in the form that you would expect; they sent each high school student in the city a laptop following the disaster.

Free Laptops

Free Laptops


Property In New York

Any New Yorker and most Americans will be able to recognize the Chrysler Building in Manhattan. What most Americans don’t know is that the building is owned almost entirely by the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Property In New York

Property In New York


Par For The Course

Another great attraction in Dubai is the massive golf course it hosts. The course needs a daily water supply of 4,000,000 gallons! Whew! But at least they’ve got solar power.

Par For The Course

Par For The Course


Zero City

The United Arab Emirates is looking to build a city that will be a “zero city”. This means that it will be run entirely on solar energy, as well as other renewable energy sources. The city is supposed to be sustainable, zero-carbon, and zero-waste.

Zero City

Zero City



Archaeologists have found and proven that nomads have lived in the area of the United Arab Emirates for more than 2,000 years. They go by the name of “Bedouins” and are believed to have traveled on camels, eaten camels and drunk their milk.




Pearl Diving

We all know that the UAE has rich oil reserves, but it was actually pearl diving that garnered the world’s attention to the area. In the 1970’s they discovered oil, but it was the pearl diving that really brought the country towards financial stability.

Pearl Diving

Pearl Diving


Peaceful Independence

While other countries have fought violently for their independence from colonial powers, the UAE did not. In fact after decades of British rule, the United Arab Emirates easily gained independence in 1971. Most attribute this peaceful shift to the discovery to oil in the region.

Peaceful Independence

Peaceful Independence


Expat Majority

It’s incredible to know that nearly 80% of the population in the UAE is made up of expatriates. Most of them come for business and entrepreneurship. These large numbers have made the UAE a truly international destination.

Expats Majority

Expats Majority


Camels Are Key

When you imagine Arabia, you probably think of camels at some point. Well you wouldn’t be wrong because in the UAE, camels are a major part of their lives. From having camels farms and hosting camel races, to drinking camel milk and eating their meat.

Camels Are Key

Camels Are Key


Date Farms

For thousands of years, dates have been an integral part of the Emirati families’ livelihoods. To this day, massive farms are still in the possession of these families, and special harvesting and planting tactics have been passed down from generation to generation.

Date Farms

Date Farms


Not All Rich

One of the greatest facades about Dubai, is that everyone who dwells there is a millionaire. But the fact is that it is certainly not the case. However, in comparison, residents of Dubai are somewhat richer than those of other Middle-Eastern countries, by average.

Not All Rich

Not All Rich


Women In University

Unlike some other Muslim countries, women in the United Arab Emirates are allegedly outnumbering men in universities.

Women In University

Women In University


Four Wives

If you think being married to one person is difficult, try marrying four! The Quran allows men to marry up to four women, only if he himself can match the list of requirements necessary. But the truth is that it is not as common as you might think in the United Arab Emirates. Most men just have one wife.

Four Wives

Four Wives


Language Barrier

Arabic is the national language of the UAE, but that doesn’t mean they don’t speak English there. In fact many Emiratis speak English quite well.

Language Barrier

Language Barrier


Respecting Their Elders

Just like any good society should do, children are taught to respect their elders. Mostly men are given top treatment, from standing when they enter a room, to being offered tea or coffee first.

Respecting Their Elders

Respecting Their Elders


Don’t Insult The Royals

If you’re not pleased with something related to the royal family, it’s probably best you keep it to yourself then. You won’t just be reprimanded harshly by the locals, you might even be arrested.

Dont Insult The Royals

Dont Insult The Royals


No Shoes

Just like you’ve seen in the movies, take off your shoes when entering a house in the UAE. It is the tradition there, and for those who have expensive rugs in their homes, they’d prefer your socks to your dusty shoes.

No Shoes

No Shoes


Sharing Food

Most of have been brought up ordering food just for ourselves at a restaurant. In the UAE it’s significantly different. Locals are used to sharing meals together with everyone. Ordering just for yourself would seem snobbish.

Sharing Food

Sharing Food


Refusing Entry

If you’re looking to visit the UAE from Israel or from Qatar you’re not in any sort of luck, because it is strictly forbidden. There are 44 countries whose citizens don’t even need a visa to enter the country.

Refusing Entry

Refusing Entry


PDA Sensitive

No matter how much you and your new partner have been married, save your public displays of affection for the hotel room. There have even been cases of tourists showing public affection who were arrested. Youch!

PDA Sensitive

PDA Sensitive


Shaking Hands

It might seem like the best idea for you to extend your hand out in greeting when meeting the locals, but maybe you should think twice. With someone from the opposite gender you should rather wait to see if they reach out for a shake; if not, just let it go.

Shaking Hands

Shaking Hands


No Photographing

I know, being a tourist means that you snap a million photos while you’re traveling. But in the UAE, you’ll need to be very careful. Photographing people without their consent is punishable with a massive fine and the possibility of 6 months’ jail time. If you take a photo of an unsuspecting woman you could see yourself with a doubled sentence.

No Photographing

No Photographing


Eating During Ramadan

When Ramadan comes around, the month when Muslims don’t eat during the day, tourists need to be mindful of the locals. This means that it is considered very disrespectful to eat or drink in public. Luckily for children and pregnant women this law (yes, law) doesn’t apply.

Eating During Ramadan

Eating During Ramadan


Don’t Fake It

We’ve all been tempted to buy some cheap knock-offs of some luxurious products. However, it’s never a good idea in Dubai, regardless of how tempting it might be. If the authorities catch you shopping illegally, you’ll be in some pretty deep trouble.

Dont Fake It

Dont Fake It


Oh, F@#!

Sometimes we just can’t keep a cool head, but in the UAE you might want to make sure that you do. Swearing in public is strictly not allowed, and displaying that wonderful middle finger of yours has the power to get you locked up. Wow!

Oh F@

Oh F@#!


More No Photo Sites

People aren’t the only thing you can’t photograph, certain buildings too. Embassies, government buildings, and military installations are all no-no’s. If you see a car accident, don’t pull out your camera because you can’t snap a picture of that either.

More No Photo Sites

More No Photo Sites


No Drugs

No, not the illegal kind. We’re talking about prescription drugs. If you don’t have the necessary paperwork to prove that you need to have it then don’t even bother bringing it.

No Drugs

No Drugs