The Deadliest Snakes in the World

Published on January 27, 2022

Indian Cobra

The Indian Cobra is a part of India’s ‘Big Four’ and is one of the most deadly. They make up the majority of all human snakebites in India. Furthermore, you should know that the Indian Cobra has great stature because of their placement in Indian mythos and culture, quite often they are used by ‘snake charmers’. Additionally, if you are bitten by the Indian Cobra, you will likely feel paralyzing movements in your nerves, which leads to respiratory failure or a heart attack.

Indian Cobra

Indian Cobra

Saw Scaled Viper

The saw scaled viper can be found in India, China, and Asia. It’s important to know that these vipers are nocturnal, mean, and incredibly fast. If bitten, you will feel immediate pain which quickly leads to swelling and bleeding from your mouth. Then your blood pressure will plummet, your heart rare will slow, and for the next four to five weeks, you will experience severe pain. When untreated, you could die within a day, or suffer for two weeks straight before you eventually pass away.

Saw Scaled Viper

Saw Scaled Viper