Honey. I Shrunk The Kids
What happened? Did you magically shrink yourself to the size of your Lego pieces, or did you blow them up? These two created two Cosplay outfits that fans will be talking about for years to come. Talk about going all out, and just look at the beautiful result!

Honey. I Shrunk The Kids
PowerBUFF Girls
The result of an overdose of “Chemical X” is no just the perfect girl. It happens to be this – a Powerpuff Girl who looks like she could use a cold beer, a slice of pizza and possibly a gym membership.

PowerBUFF Girls
We’re Not Joking
Is that the real Joker? We have to hand it to this guy because he looks flawless! With planning and creativity, he has proven that you can look exactly like the fictional character you want to be.

We’re Not Joking
Batwoman Win
What’s all the fuss about Batman? Why is nobody talking about Batwoman? This outfit is a win for the Cosplay outfits winning team and maybe for the future of Cosplay in general.

Batwoman Win
Star Wars Version 0.1
Before Star Wars broke the science fiction scene, there was Star Wars 0.1. The Cosplayers have taken it upon themselves to remind fans that there was once an underdeveloped Star Wars team.

Star Wars Version 0.1
When You Get It
This might require you taking a double-take, but when you realize what it is you’ll be blown away. These two (yes two) are absolutely genius! What a win for Cosplay outfits.

When You Get It
This Is Super
What do you mean you don’t know who this is? Well, sure, this is Edward Cullinan from Brent Street. But he’s sure that’s he’s Super Girl… I guess we can all dream, can’t we?

This Is Super
Sims Like A Good Costume
Don’t tell me you don’t get this. If you played Sims, and they were happy, and they took a shower, then this is what you’d see. I just hope you didn’t type in “move objects_on”.

Sims Like A Good Costume
Just Rub It
You know they say that three wishes that will change your life are just a rub away. If you were to ask me, I’d tell you to take a skip in this one. That lamp doesn’t need a shine.

Just Rub It
Need An Iron, Man?
We know who Iron Man is, and we also know whose costume needs an iron. There’s always an ‘A’ that can be awarded for effort, but unfortunately not this time.

Need An Iron, Man?
The Baroness
As much as I’d like to tell you where this G.I. Joe hero comes from, I can’t because it’s classified. The Baroness is alive and well as this Cosplayer showed us so successfully.

The Baroness
Ninja Turtles Discover Green Tape
Did you know that the Ninja Turtles went on a cleanse diet? They stopped working out too and started playing around with duct tape. The result is priceless.

Ninja Turtles Discover Green Tape
Super Girl
One must change with the times and Super Girl is no exception to that rule. But what do you think? Is this outfit practical? Wouldn’t you think it would be cold to fly in?

Super Girl
What’s Wrong Here?
Without spending too much time looking at this picture, I want you think about what’s wrong with this outfit. When you’ve come to a conclusion write it down and remember to never try this outfit for the Cosplay convention.

What’s Wrong Here?
Some Errands
Listen, being Batman is definitely not a walk in the park. But hey, who said it isn’t a walk through Comic-Con? Give the guy a break, even superheroes need some time to do shopping.

Some Errands
Incredible Hulk
This is very incredible, Hulk! Did you think this was a statue? It is a real suit! This Incredible Hulk displayed this awesome cosplay costume at the Montreal Comiccon in 2012.

Incredible Hulk
This cosplay of Gambit is just straight up impressive. The whole costume and card props look great and accurately represent the character.

Walter White
This Walter White went all out! He is definitely one of the most famous anti-heroes in TV history. This Heisenberg outfit hits the nail on its head.

Walter White
Kuzco from The Emporer’s New Groove has a big attitude and so does this person! Job well done!

Beauty and The Beast
This beauty and the beast hybrid can be described in one word: fearless.

Beauty And The Beast
Daenerys Targaryen and Drogon
Not identical to the real characters, but they get an A for effort! We are just wondering where are the dragon babies?

Daenerys Targaryen And Drogon
This Man-Elsa clearly loves his character. We do too!

Man Elsa
This person has one similarity with the real Wolverine: both are frightening! You have no idea what he will do with those big claws!

Sailor Moon Man
Have no fear! Luckily this guy is geared up to protect the park from Tuxedo Mask. What would we do without him?!

Sailor Moon
Captain Planet
We dig the costume! The smile and the knife are an interesting…well…touch?

Captain Planet
This Samus Aran’s identity is known by no one! This is a very serious Samus from head to gym shoe.

You know what they say. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. When life gives you a crappy Wolverine costume, make it awesome! This guy rocked sideburns, made claws out of a Menorah, and has the Star of David on his neck. This is the best Jewverine we have ever seen!

Jewish Wolverine
Pikachu costumes often are total fails. Luckily, this guy is taking back Pikachu and did it totally differently. He’s either a talented artist or has a very large printer.

Tron Guy
This guy is an internet sensation! If you haven’t seen “Tron Guy” before, you’ve been hiding from the internet. Shame on you.

Tron Guy
McDonald’s Fries
Yes, of course, we want fries with that! This costume is cosplay perfection. Everything from the M on her chest to the purse to the shoes is amazing. We think she should be the real McDonald’s spokeswoman!

Women Of The Simpsons
This is Marge Simpson and her two chain-smoking sisters. They are doing cancer research while attending a cosplay contest. Good touch, ladies.

Women Of The Simpsons
Velma Dinkley
This Velma Dinkley has every detail down! She looks super smart and ready to solve a crime.

Scooby Doo
Wonder Wobear
This is a semi-Christmas themed superhero costume. Very inventive we must say. No one puts Christmas decorations on the tree anymore!

Wonder Wobear
The Pledge Woman
Who said cleaning wasn’t a super power?

The Pledge Woman
This is Ash from the Evil Dead movie during Comic-Con 2017 in San Diego, California. 10/10 undoubtedly.

Green Arrow
If you mess with Green Arrow, you have to deal with him. Proceed with caution, this dog can kick some butt!

Green Arrow
This is a cross between Carrot Top, a satellite, and Big Bird. If you mix up the three you get a Bowser in your living room. Forever.

Queen Elizabeth 1
This fan girl has every detail down including the look of superiority. Nice job!

Queen Elizabeth 1
Bob’s Burger Family
We thought no one loved Bob’s Burgers more than us, but we stand corrected. This super fan family did a great job!

Bobs Burger Family
Yes, the Dr. Pepper is part of the costume. How do you think he can maintain the belly? You need a little carbonation in there!

Princess Peach
This Asian tourist Princess Peach looks great! We like that she doesn’t travel alone, she has a little Toad with her.

Princess Peach
Link and Zelda
This is a serious Link and Zelda costume for a very serious couple. They look ready for a battle, or 100!

Link And Zelda
There’s not much to say about this Kirby cosplay except run! If he inhales you, you’re toast!

Starcraft 2
How do you know when you do a costume right? If you aren’t sure it is a costume. This is Salvaged Confederate Adjutant from Starcraft 2. A person may or may not be included.

Starcraft 2
Pulp Fiction
This is Jules and Vincent of Pulp Fiction. The Samuel Jackson costume is so on point it’s hard to believe it is not really him!

Pulp Fiction
Black Panther
If you weren’t afraid of the Black Panther before, you should be now! Yikes!

Black Panther
Buzz Lightyear
Of course this is Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story. He is one of the most memorable Pixar characters and this particular cosplayer does the most accurate renditions of Buzz ever!

This is Groot from Guardians of The Galaxy. We promise there is a real person in there. Groot is definitely one of the weirder Marvel characters that exist.

What a spot on portrayal! Her appearance, look and feel definitely accurately resembles Maleficent. No detail is missing and it is pure perfection!

This Elsa looks amazing in her glamorous gown, glittery blue shoes, and long braided blonde hair.

Wonder Woman
We don’t like saying thus, but she might be a better Woman Woman than even Gal Gatot!

Wonder Woman