How Celebrities Are Keeping Busy While Social Distancing

Published on March 25, 2020

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is self quarantining just like the rest of us. While staying at home, she is spending a lot of time with her cat, Meredith. She also reminded fans of how serious the matter is: “This is the time to cancel plans, actually truly isolate as much as you can and don’t assume that because you don’t feel sick that you aren’t possibly passing something on to someone elderly or vulnerable to this. It’s a really scary time, but we need to make sacrifices right now.”

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

Arnold Schwarzenegger

In a hilariously adorable video, Arnold Schwazenegger is joined by his miniature pony Lulu and his miniature donkey Whiskey while explains how he — and his pets–  are staying home. He said: “That’s what we do, we don’t go out, we don’t go to restaurants… Public gatherings and gymnasiums are all out of the window. We stay home.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger