These Actresses Look Absolutely Nothing Like Their Characters

Published on February 10, 2020

Mae Whitman – Ann Veal

Mae plays the role of Ann Veal on the show Arrested Development. Her character is meant to be a plain Jane, who is homely, and forgettable because of the way she looks. In real life, her beauty shines through and she’s anything but forgettable.

Mae Whitman - Ann Veal

Mae Whitman – Ann Veal

Charlize Theron – Aileen Wournos

At the height of her career, Charlize landed the role of Aileen Wournos for the movie Monster. Her performance as Aileen was seen as one of the greatest performances in the history of cinema. She portrayed the role of a serial killer.

Charlize Theron - Aileen Wournos

Charlize Theron – Aileen Wournos