Humans Beware, These are the Most Dangerous Sharks

Published on October 19, 2017

Bignose Shark

Luckily, even though they potentially pose a threat to people, this deep sea dweller, rarely comes into contact with humans. This species of requiem shark lives in tropical and suptropical waters close to the edges of the continental shelf.

Bignose Shark

Bignose Shark

Blind Shark

Blind sharks are another type of carpet sharks, found off of eastern Australia. They live on the rocky ocean floors. Oh and no the shark is not blind, but the name comes from the shark’s habitat of shutting its eyes when out of water. Though not usually known for attacking, they will bite if provoked. Actually, once they bite, their strong jaws in addition to powerful suction make them very hard to remove. There have been reported incidents of divers coming all the way to surface with a blind shark still attacked to their wetsuit until someone pries open the jaw.

Blind Shark

Blind Shark