Animals Who Survived Extinction and Got Rediscovered

Published on August 7, 2016

Arakan Forest Turtle

Here is a reptile that looks just a little bit more cuddly than the crocodile. The Arakan Forest Turtle is one of the rarest species of turtle on the planet and they can only be found in captivity or in Western Myanmar. Scientists believed the Arakan Forest Turtle to be extinct back in the early 1900s but had to change their tune when one was found in 1994.

Arakan Forest Turtle

Arakan Forest Turtle


If you find yourself flocking to any kind of insect like a no interest credit card then we have just the critter for you. The Gracilidris is an ant that was thought to have gone extinct over 20 million years ago. You would think that after 20 million years we could confidently call this nocturnal ant extinct. However, we would have been wrong. The Gracilidris popped back up after being found throughout Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay back in 2006. Rediscovering a lost form of life is even better than a low interest credit card, we’d say.

