Amazing Mysteries that Science Just Can’t Explain

Published on November 17, 2017

What are the Pyrophyllite Spheres?

South African miners found a collection of metal spheres within Pyriphyllite deposits. These spheres were carbon dated to be over 2.8 billion years old, predating intelligent life by quite a large margin. The craziest thing about these spheres is that they have markings on them and are balanced more accurately than we can even make them today. Creepy!

What are the Pyrophyllite Spheres

What are the Pyrophyllite Spheres

Tomato , To-mah-to

Did you know that tomatoes actually have more than 30,000 genes, whereas humans have between 20,000 to 30,000. This used to be known as the C-value paradox. Back in 2003 botanists decided to call it an “enigma” instead which was never given a clear definition, I mean it takes more genes to create a tomato than a human – how is that even possible?

Tomato , To Mah To

Tomato , To Mah To