9 Amazing Natural Methods to Whitening Your Teeth

Published on January 21, 2016

Use Straws

If you are a consummate pop or tea drinker then it might really pay off to consider keeping a reusable straw in your purse or at your desk. One of the leading ways with which coffee and soda pop destroy your mouth is by letting it linger and stick on your teeth. So instead of taking a mouthful and letting it sit there, even for just a few seconds, have a straw on hand. This will move the liquid past your teeth without ever really leaving a mark. It’s not the best method, as that would entail quitting soda pop, but it definitely allows you to keep drinking your guilty pleasure without worrying about all of the side effects.

Use Straws

Use Straws

Orange Peel Scrub

If you love oranges then this teeth whitening tip will fit comfortably, right in your wheelhouse. As we listed above, acidic fruits and veggies can go a long way toward getting rid of that nasty plaque which builds up over time on your teeth. Rather than drinking these liquids directly, which over time can cause its own issues, you can instead consider taking the leftover peel and using it as a scrub against your teeth. Once you are finished with your orange take one of the peels, or two if you need, and put them into your mouth. Hold them there for a few minutes to let the acidity do its work. Afterwards throw them away and rinse out your mouth. Voila!

Orange Peel Scrub

Orange Peel Scrub