9 Amazing Natural Methods to Whitening Your Teeth

Published on January 21, 2016
People like to think that their eyes are the windows to the soul, but the truth is it’s all about your smile. A vibrant, healthy smile can put you in the center of the room and win the trust or affection of those around you. Some people get that perfect smile by opting for laser teeth whitening or other forms of cosmetic dentistry. We firmly believe in doing things the all-natural way when possible. So listed below are nine absolutely amazing teeth whitening methods that you can accomplish at home and are all-natural!

Brush After Meals or Dark Drinks

You can use the method we listed above and combine it with this tip to really hit home with your teeth whitening experience, all while avoiding paying for the best cosmetic dentist around. Simply put: you need to make brushing your teeth a more common habit if you tend to snack a bunch during the day. Most foods don’t actually run the risk of staining your teeth because of contact. Instead, the real damage to your teeth, both structurally and cosmetically, is when the remnants of your meal sits on your teeth for hours at a time. Try to keep a toothbrush and toothpaste at the office for when you finish with lunch. Make brushing a consistent part of your day to keep that smile looking fresh. You might look a little neurotic doing this, but it is effective and your smile will be proof. If you are a smoker or coffee drinker then this tip is particularly important.

Brush After Meals or Dark Drinks

Brush After Meals or Dark Drinks

Fruity Baking Soda Scrub

Alright, so lemon juice isn’t your style and you don’t want to scrub the Internet for more dental cosmetic tips than you can handle. Where does that leave you? Fortunately it leaves you right here, with a special strawberry, baking soda, and salt based scrub. Strawberries are a tastier way to incorporate essential vitamins that fight plaque while the salt is your abrasive oral weapon of choice. Combined together you get a paste that is both effective and tasty enough to utilize. Baking soda is an additional abrasive additive but you can leave it out if you wish. In order to create this toothpaste you will need up to 3 strawberries, a little bit of sea salt, and half a teaspoon of baking soda. Mash up your strawberries as much as you can and add both the salt and baking soda. Mix this together thoroughly until the mixture is cohesive and then dip your toothbrush into it. Brush on the paste and let it sit in your mouth for up to five minutes. Rinse when you are done and repeat this every night for a week. Then you can start scaling back like we mentioned above.

Fruity Baking Soda Scrub

Fruity Baking Soda Scrub


Baking Soda Brush

Brushing your teeth, along with flossing, are the single most important things you can do to keep your mouth looking clean, feeling fresh, and bright with a smile. Only sometimes it seems like all of those chemical laden toothpastes (fluoride, looking at you) don’t seem to work. So if you want something twice as effective without having to buy it manufactured in a factory, you should reach for some baking soda and lemon juice. If you mix just half a teaspoon of baking soda, water, and lemon juice then you should be able to form it into a paste. Use this as your toothpaste replacement and brush for up to two minutes at a time. Rinse thoroughly and repeat this process every other day for the next week. Baking soda can be abrasive over time so after your first week of usage cut back even further and just brush once a week with the mixture. You will see a whiter, brighter, and cleaner smile in no time.

Baking Soda Brush

Baking Soda Brush


Pulling Activated Charcoal

Some people might already use charcoal in an array of beauty supplies for their skincare but now some are beginning to reach for activated charcoal when it is time to get their teeth clean. When you want to get whiter teeth the last thing you’d typically want to do is fill your mouth with a chalky black substance like charcoal; however, numerous tests and examples can be found on the Internet and off, showing that a charcoal pull can work to clean up your teeth. The reason that activated charcoal can clean your mouth and whiten your teeth is simple: charcoal is highly absorbent and it collects tannins and such, which tend to stain your teeth. After holding the charcoal in your mouth, or brushing it on with a toothbrush, you would spit out and rinse like normal. After doing so you should immediately see a slightly brighter shade to your teeth. Keep in mind you need to find food grade charcoal and not the stuff you plan on throwing in the BBQ. Do this once a day for a week before turning to a once weekly schedule to keep you fresh.

Pulling Activated Charcoal

Pulling Activated Charcoal


Crunchy Veggies

We’ve been told ever since we could understand words that vegetables are a necessary part of our diet if we want to be happy and healthy. Unfortunately most vegetables don’t taste very good to young kids so some of us have trouble taking the advice. Still, if you are reading this then there is hope! If you add daily servings of various crunchy vegetables, like apples and celery, or even carrots, then you can expect to see some nicer teeth in return. Not only are you increasing your nutrient uptake but you are also eating semi-abrasive foods that keep your teeth cleaned and your saliva pumping. Saliva, surprising to some people, actually helps to prevent plaque. So for your midday snacks, or as an aside to your lunch, make sure you have a serving or two of these tasty treats available. Reach for peanut butter as a topping to add in some protein to your diet.

Crunchy Veggies

Crunchy Veggies


Apple Cider vinegar

Many natural and holistic health websites will tout the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar in all sorts of different applications. Today, we are advocating the liquid as a way to clean up your gums and get rid of some of those stains that have so plagued your teeth. Coffee drinkers and smokers should take heed! Apple Cider Vinegar isn’t a tip for the impatient however, as you need to consistently use it for upwards of a month in order to see anything actually happen. So make it a habit to brush your teeth with Apple Cider Vinegar and then afterwards brush it with your normal toothpaste. The vinegar itself is acidic so you don’t want it to be the last thing on your teeth when you are done for the night. If you don’t want to brush twice then just make sure you do a mouth rinse after the first brush. After about a month it should look like your teeth were cleaned by professionals, and just for the price of a jug of cider (under $5).

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar


Use Straws

If you are a consummate pop or tea drinker then it might really pay off to consider keeping a reusable straw in your purse or at your desk. One of the leading ways with which coffee and soda pop destroy your mouth is by letting it linger and stick on your teeth. So instead of taking a mouthful and letting it sit there, even for just a few seconds, have a straw on hand. This will move the liquid past your teeth without ever really leaving a mark. It’s not the best method, as that would entail quitting soda pop, but it definitely allows you to keep drinking your guilty pleasure without worrying about all of the side effects.

Use Straws

Use Straws


Orange Peel Scrub

If you love oranges then this teeth whitening tip will fit comfortably, right in your wheelhouse. As we listed above, acidic fruits and veggies can go a long way toward getting rid of that nasty plaque which builds up over time on your teeth. Rather than drinking these liquids directly, which over time can cause its own issues, you can instead consider taking the leftover peel and using it as a scrub against your teeth. Once you are finished with your orange take one of the peels, or two if you need, and put them into your mouth. Hold them there for a few minutes to let the acidity do its work. Afterwards throw them away and rinse out your mouth. Voila!

Orange Peel Scrub

Orange Peel Scrub


Oil Pulling

We’re always pretty leery when a new fad hits the internet. Recently oil pulling has become the thing to do in order to whiten teeth naturally. As it turns out, the process works. Reach for some coconut oil and simply put a small spoonful of it inside of your mouth. Swish around the oil for anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes and then spit it out when you are done. Rinse and repeat on a nightly basis for cleaner teeth, healthier gums, and a prettier smile.

Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling