Bodybuilders Who Went Too Far and Paid for It

Published on June 19, 2016

Anthony D’Arezzo

When you are at the peak of your game in bodybuilding you will be rolling in bank accounts filled with cash. Competitive bodybuilding can be great when you need to stock up your account but it can also be deadly, as Anthony D’Arezzo learned. Anthony D’Arezzo looked like the classic bodybuilder before his untimely death in 2006 but he didn’t get there without a bit of health. D’Arezzo suffered from cardiopyopathy, a heart defect, that was exacerbated by extensive steroid usage. D’Arezzo was told by his doctors to stop taking the steroids and limit his time in the gym but the allure proved to be too much. He died of a heart attack in his hotel room the night before a competition. Are all of the money market accounts and internet banks filled with money worth it in the end? We don’t think so.

Anthony D'arezzo

Anthony D’arezzo

Bertile Fox

Bertile Fox sums up the dark side of bodybuilding all at once. Fox came to national acclaim rather quickly when he took up bodybuilding, becoming an instant competitor at a very high level. In order to get to this high level Fox relied heavily upon Human Growth Hormone, or HGH. His sudden and heavy reliance on steroids led to an increase in aggression and an imbalance in his brain. Fox would end up murdering an ex-fiancee as well as the woman’s mother – Fox would end up being sentenced to life in prison after his death sentence was reduced. While you can’t blame steroids completely for his murderous rampage, it is undeniable the role that steroids play in increased aggression amongst heavy users.

Bertile Fox

Bertile Fox