Stay hydrated
One of the easiest ways to make sure that your skin is always looking vibrant and beautiful is to make sure that you are drinking enough water! You won’t need to get any facial treatments if you start your beauty routine with a strong foundation of hydration. Did you know that almost half of the United States population is walking around dehydrated? People just don’t drink water anymore and it shows in their health and in their appearance, both of which are firmly linked with one another. Ideally you want to aim for, at minimum, about half of a gallon of water per day: or eight 8-ounce servings. If you don’t crave water then you can spruce it up by adding a little bit of lemon or even ice and some fresh cucumber. Whatever you need to do in order to make the water appealing will work.

Stay hydrated
Banana Balancing Mask
Get used to reading about masks in the world of all natural beauty care and if you do you will never have to worry about sensitive skin care of special treatment facial sessions ever again. Make a balancing mask to help give your skin a fresh start by following these instructions. You will want to cut up half of a banana and then mix it in with a quarter cup of oatmeal and a dash of honey. Mix these different ingredients up and mash them together til you get as smooth a paste as possible. Don’t be afraid of using a blender if you need to. Now, once you have the paste mixed nice and smooth you will want to gently apply it to your skin, be it on your face or any other part of your body. Let the paste sit there for upwards of 15 minutes while you let it do its thing. The oatmeal will moisturize your skin while the acid in the banana will work its way through your dead skin, scrubbing it off without really damaging your skin like the other, more intense, options on the market. Once you are done go ahead and rinse it off with warm water and pat the area with a towel. Thanks to all natural ingredients you can apply this mixture as often as you wish for a rejuvenated, fresh look to your skin.

Banana Balancing Mask
Natural Body scrub
People write books on how chemical laden body scrubs are destroying our environment while subtly poisoning our body. We won’t get into these bad scrubs and how they can leave you looking like you have psoriasis symptoms. Instead, we’ll focus all of our energy toward guiding you to an all natural, gentle body scrub — perfect for psoriasis treatment if you are so inclined. Skip the Old Spice next time you head to the store and instead buy some natural olive oil and sea salt. You can mix the olive oil and sea salt at a 2/1 ratio in order to get a body scrub that will leave you feeling like you are glowing. The salt obviously helps to scrub away all of the dead cells on your body while the oil rejuvenates your skin by moisturizing it. Imagine the monetary savings you’ll have with prolonged usage as well! Make a mason jar’s worth of the stuff and keep it in your bathroom for usage whenever you hit the shower.

Natural Body Scrub
Baking Soda Shampoo
If the thought of pouring eggs over your head sounds about as appealing as taking psoriasis medication then we have another option ready for you: baking soda. Baking soda is one of the most diverse and flexible ingredients you can have for your home remedy/all natural beauty routine. If you are worried that your oily hair is having an effect on your skin and scalp then try this baking soda shampoo method. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda in your hand and work some water into it until you get a semi-gritty paste. Then, in your shower, massage the paste into your scalp thoroughly with the points of your fingers. Once you are done mixing it in go ahead and rinse your hair like normal. Baking soda is naturally gritty and the chemical itself will help to pull dirt out of your hair, thus eliminating some potential oil issues.

Baking Soda Shampoo
Organic Honey Mask
All natural organic honey makes for the healthiest and tastiest sweetener you can incorporate into your life. And not unlike Winnie the Pooh, sometimes you might just want to smear it all over your face. As it turns out, you can use raw honey in order to soften up your skin and rejuvenate your appearance. Raw, all natural, organic honey works as an anti bacterial substance while refreshing your looks. So if you want to use a honey face mask follow these simple directions: Take around a tablespoon of honey and warm it up by rubbing in between your fingertips. Once you can tangibly tell that the honey is warmed up you can then evenly spread it over your face. Once the honey is spread out let it sit there for upwards of ten minutes before rinsing it off with more warm water and then drying your face with a towel by slowly and deliberately patting yourself. Repeat this once a week or so and bask in the results.

Organic Honey Mask
Egg And Honey Shampoo
Before you click X because you think this is a prank, just listen: you can use eggs and honey to get the smoothest shampoo of your life. Simply take 3 all organic eggs and crack them into a cup or a blender. Now add 3 additional tablespoons of your all natural, organic honey (listed in a prior tip) and mix it in with the eggs. Either blend until smooth or whisk until smooth. Now after you have your mixture you will want to take it into the shower with you. Follow your normal body washing routine but when it comes time to shampoo your hair, reach for your new mixture. Scrub your all natural egg/honey shampoo into your hair and revel in how nice it feels. Scrub thoroughly and rinse completely, as normal, before moving on to an all natural conditioner. Once you are done you will see just how impressive your hair shines and how soft it feels. Cheap, effective, and the perfect homemade alternative.

Egg And Honey Shampoo
Undereye Cream
No matter what beauty tips you follow you will always want to make sure that you have an all natural undereye cream at the ready. Beneath your eyes there is quite a bit of damage going on: you end up blinking over a thousand times per day. With all of that movement it is only natural to see wrinkles begin to pop up. Add on a lack of sleep and you’ll have bags under there as well. So make sure you keep a moisturizing undereye cream at the ready, preferably one that is all natural, in order to stave off any wear and tear.

Undereye Cream
Matcha Tea Skincare
If you struggle with the occasional acne break out then an all natural home remedy sounds like it would be right up your alley. Businesses have latched on to our desperation to get rid of acne and in doing so they’ve created dozens of harmful products that don’t really work. Take things back to the basic by getting powdered Matcha tea. Simply mix this green tea into a chalky rub and then use a fine toothed brush to apply it to your breakouts. Don’t use your hands or fingers because you don’t want the oil from your skin to interfere. Leave the powdered rub on for a period of time, normally a few minutes, before washing it off.

Matcha Tea Skincare
Homemade Nose Strips
If you struggle with blackheads and clogged pours then you know how important it is to have handy strips on hand. However, these chemical laden strips they sell at the store are typically expensive and not all that effective. Instead you can opt to make your own by mixing in a package of dry, powdered, gelatin with two teaspoons of milk. Once the mixture is thoroughly swished around you can brush it over your face to begin unclogging those pesky pores.

Homemade Nose Strips
Watch Your Diet
At the end of the day our outward appearance is typically reflective of our inward issues. If you consume a ton of starchy foods, sugar laden snacks, and carb filled entrees then you are bound to start seeing the effects on your skin and your face. So at the very least consider cutting out ultra sweet drinks, like soda, or at least attempting to limit them. Opt for water, tea, and other stripped down beverages as they’ll help hydrate you and detox your body. Avoid white bread when possible and always opt for fruits and veggies when possible!

Watch Your Diet