We all know that breakfast is the (most) important meal of the day. Eating a wholesome breakfast can give us the needed energy and satisfy our appetite to fuel us for the rest of the day. But most of us (yes, we’re all guilty) are seemingly too busy in the morning to prepare a proper/healthy breakfast. And because we’re always “on the go” we aim to make something fast and simple, often resulting in unhealthy breakfast choices and (definitely) not what the nutritionist recommended). So, what are these “unhealthy” breakfast choices we speak of?
Fruit Juices
We know what you’re thinking, “how can this be unhealthy? The word “fruit” is in the title.” Well don’t let the name fool you, as some fruit juices can be far from healthy, especially ready-to-drink varieties. In fact, many of those (really) colorful juices you see lined up in the refrigerator at the supermarket contain more sugar and preservatives than juice. In turn, you don’t get the same freshness, vitamins, and/or benefits of the fruit.
Drink this instead: freshly squeezed juice, water, tea, piece of fruit.
The crispy, smoky, greasy, and scent-palpitating aroma of bacon is enough to make your mouth water before you even enter the kitchen. While bacon may be one of the tastiest breakfast foods, as well as a common staple of a big breakfast, it really doesn’t serve a valuable nutritional purpose. Let’s just say that the sodium and saturated fat content in bacon doesn’t mix well with your heart, or your waistline. Everything in moderation!
Eat this instead: Canadian bacon, lamb bacon, beef bacon, chicken.