They Just Fit So Well
Love is like a puzzle. We all need to find the match to our own puzzle piece. These two seem to have found their match! No, wait. Those pieces don’t fit… who’s going to tell them?

They Just Fit So Well
Loves Her Ice Cream
Man, oh man, does Julia love her ice-cream! When the doctor told her that she needed to cut down on the amount of sugar she was consuming, she needed to find a creative way to continue having her ice-cream.

Loves Her Ice Cream
She Sees You In Her Dreams
Who would like a girlfriend like this? She has her eyes on you, even when you’re sleeping. And even when she’s sleeping for that matter.

She Sees You In Her Dreams
That’s Your Mom
Welcome to the world young baby! The first person you’re going to see after you’ve finished crying is this woman. She is your mom. Ah yes, and she has a ridiculous tattoo.

That’s Your Mom
Wait, Who’s Brenda?
What do you guys think? Does Brad have a thing for Brenda, or are we just overthinking this one? It was a pretty annoying day when “Brenda” revealed that her name was actually Brandy.

Wait, Who’s Brenda?
The first time Tim went to McDonald’s, he realized that it was a moment he didn’t want to forget. The experience of having eaten at McD’s with his friends was so wonderful that he even got the receipt tattooed on his arm, remembering it forever.

Muddy Marilyn
Marilyn Monroe is one of the most iconic celebrities of the 20th century. So we can totally understand why someone would want to get a tattoo of her. But I don’t remember her ever being so tanned… or muddy?

Muddy Marilyn
Drake Mistake
No matter how much you love Drake, you should probably never get a tattoo of his name across your forehead. Some might call this undying fandom, but we call it “the Drake mistake.”

Drake Mistake
Programming Is Life
When you love nothing more than programming, you want it to consume your life. This dude let it completely take over his life, and his arm, for that matter.

Programming Is Life
Where Do We Start?
Who on Earth is Jon Bovi? He is certainly not Bon Jovi, and he certainly can’t spell all too well. One thing is for sure, this tattoo is one of a kind. You will definitely not see it anywhere else.

Where Do We Start?
Feeling Content With Body Odor
You know, it really takes a high level of self-confidence to own your body odor. Regardless of what other people think or say, be proud that your armpits smell like onions. Get a tattoo if you want.

Feeling Content With Body Odor
Merriage Is Permanent
When it comes to tattoo fails, perhaps this one takes the cake… the wedding cake. It’s a brave proposal, that’s for sure, but it is also a spelling mistake. We just hope that Nina said ‘yes’.

Merriage Is Permanent
Oh, The Irony
How many fingers did this dude think he had? It really doesn’t get much more ironic than this tattoo. It could just be that this guy has a roaring sense of humor, though.

Oh, The Irony
Remember This, Kids
You might be too cool for school, but if you skip school, you’ll be writing school like this – ‘scool’. My advice, be cool, go to school.

Remember This, Kids
Walking Advertising Board
It was a temporary job, but it paid really well. It was too bad that Nancy forgot about the annual PTA meeting at her son’s school. It’s a no-brainer to guess where everyone chose to eat dinner that night.

Walking Advertising Board
To Big What?
In the English language we have three ways to use this word. We have the number two (2). We have the too that means as well as or also. And then we have to which is a preposition. Which one did he use here and which one should he have used?

To Big What?
This Could Have Been Different
Surely choosing to get this tattoo means that he was already having doubts. Well, he will definitely remember this mistake for the rest of his life.

This Could Have Been Different
Is This Hefner’s Arm?
It was difficult erasing Megan from Rob’s memory, but it was even harder erasing her name from his arm. Luckily Hollie was okay with having her name tattooed in Megan’s place.

Is This Hefner’s Arm?
A Writer’s Motto
Is this guy a bodybuilder? No, he can’t be – bodybuilders believe in “no pain, no gain.” This guy must be a writer, not a good one, but a writer.

A Writer’s Motto
Who’s Going To Tell Him?
Well sir, we can think of something that does last forever, and it’s that unnecessary apostrophe in a permanent tattoo.

Who’s Going To Tell Him?
We’re so glad he managed to correct that incorrect spelling of petal. But now all he has to do is fix up that your to a you’re.

Belief In Miracles
Although we all learned the “i before e, except after c’ rule, there’s no disputing that there are many exceptions to the rule. This has nothing to do with that, though. Someone just has to tell him that it’s ‘belief’.

Belief In Miracles
Do You C It?
Do you agree with this sentiment? Well, that’s not what is really important right now. Do you C the issue with this tattoo? Does this rank high in the tattoo fails list?

Do You C It?
As Long As You Rember
Apart from a genius message – “I will remember before I forget,” there is something missing here. Em, em, em, what could it be?

As Long As You Rember
Instructions For Mom
You know, when they say that tattoos last forever, they really mean that. This guy got this tattoo when he was just a kid (don’t ask, mom left him with her parents) and he’s had it ever since.

Instructions For Mom
The Same Goes For Tattoo Fails
Man, you only live once, but we’re not sure about life-ing. We’re pretty sure that this is one of a few tattoo fails this dude has.

The Same Goes For Tattoo Fails
Except This
Sure, you have to take a second look to catch this one out, but when it becomes a part of your own body you’ll see it everyday. But hey, the message speaks for itself – there’s no room for regerts.

Except This
The Most Famous
Is this not one of the most iconic tattoo fails out there? If you thought that Mike Tyson biting off someone’s ear was the worst of it, maybe you’re wrong.

The Most Famous
God’s Plan
There are powers in the Universe that are much more powerful than us mere mortals. God happens to be one of them, and he is the only being that can fudge this guy!

God’s Plan
Where Are These ‘Ledgends’?
Nobody knows what a “ledgend” is, but we’re sure that they’re something like ninjas and that’s why we never actually get to see them.

Where Are These ‘Ledgends’?
Or Your Tattoo Artist For That Matter
We couldn’t agree more with this young lady. But if we can just throw in our two cents and add that you shouldn’t let your tattoo artist make your “dicisions” for you either.

Or Your Tattoo Artist For That Matter
Your Spelling Is A Marshian
In all fairness, saying the word ‘martian’ does sound like you’re saying mar-shin. But surely before you invest time, money and permanent ink on your body, you should double-check all the spelling of your body art.

Your Spelling Is A Marshian
In Case You Forget
Who knows? Maybe after a few years he’ll forget what YOLO means, and then what? Exactly. This way he has a constant reminder what it means.

In Case You Forget
Makes Sense
This kind of looks like a police sketch of a wanted criminal. Except that this baby’s only crime was eating socks, apparently. This is definitely worthy of a tattoo.

Makes Sense
It’s Hereditary
The family’s tradition was for each male to grow out his mustache. For Bobby however, he couldn’t grow it out so he found a smart (or so he thought) way to continue his family’s legacy.

It’s Hereditary
What? Just What?
If the spelling of ‘tomorrow’ was the only thing wrong with this tattoo, maybe we’d let it go. But is this actually supposed to mean?

What? Just What?
Mariah Carey
What’s there not to love about Mariah Carey? I mean, I absolutely love her, but getting her name tattooed to my back might not be for me.

Mariah Carey
So… Always Give Up?
You know, sometimes it’s really hard to give up. I mean, you just have to tell yourself the important message of, “Never don’t give up!”

So… Always Give Up?
This tattoo fail was a lesson to this young lady. Never a faliure, indeed. ALLways remember that, okay?

An Extreme Mistake
There’s nothing more extreme than getting the word ‘extreme’ NOT tattooed across your chest. This dude got the word ‘exreme’ instead.

An Extreme Mistake
You Know What Else Is Awful?
In my opinion, the word ‘awEfully’ is an awfully long word. But hey, you’re never getting this tattoo failure fixed. Is that a long enough time?

You Know What Else Is Awful?
This Is Tragic
In more ways than one, this is a truly tragic tattoo. Some might even say this whole event is a ‘tradgey’… some might say.

This Is Tragic
When Avocado Is Life
Have you ever loved a food so much that you ate it almost every day? Well how about this – have you ever loved a food so much that you got a tattoo of it?

When Avocado Is Life
And A Spelling Test Is Coming For You
Please, oh please tell me that he has an ‘E’ on his thumb and an apostrophe on the bridge between his fingers and his thumb!

And A Spelling Test Is Coming For You
Something Else To Read On The Toilet
This guy might love books, but surely he didn’t have to turn his arm into one. At least he’ll have something lengthy to read on the toilet.

Something Else To Read On The Toilet
Owning Up To Them
Listen, this guy is leaps ahead of many people I know. He has already owned up to the mistakes he has made in his life… even if he just made them.

Owning Up To Them
We’ll Keep Laughing
No matter how bad the tattoo is, just keep smilEing! For us though, I think we’ll keep laughing out loud.

We’ll Keep Laughing
So So Close
He is black and he is a great musician, so who could he be? Bob Marley? So so close, but not quite it. Try again, maybe?

So So Close
Being Honest
We can hardly put this one down on the list of tattoo fails, because this is amazing! Talk about embracing what you have and making the most of it.

Being Honest
Your Right, You Know
He was doing so well! He had the word ‘than’ instead of the usual mistaken ‘then’. But then, it all went down the drain with ‘your’.

Your Right, You Know
Not My Daughter
Isn’t this sweet? A dad wants to get a darling tattoo of his young daughter on his arm. And then he makes the decision to get it filled in. Why? We have no idea.

Not My Daughter
Angel? Maybe A Private Tutor
Listen, I’ve seen people mix up the words angel and angle, but what is this? Is this some new kind of angel that is more advanced? An aingel?

Angel? Maybe A Private Tutor
We Almost Let You Have It
Too (notice both O’s please) young to die – fine, we get it. Too (notice both O’s please) fast to live? Really? Is that like a legitimate question?

We Almost Let You Have It
He Loves Cheetos
Man, oh man! When you love Cheetos and they start talking about discontinuing its production, you’ve got to take to desperate methods!

He Loves Cheetos
A Bad Break Up
So Rom was everything you ever thought you wanted in a girl, and then you broke up. Shouldn’t have gotten the tattoo, but what can you do. You can do this, apparently.

A Bad Break Up
No More Loyal Than This
Have you ever looked up the word ‘loyalty’ in the dictionary? Well the definition is when you feel so close to someone that you tattoo the word ‘loyalty’ on your face.

No More Loyal Than This
A Poet’s Back
It actually has kind of a nice ring to it? Oh, maybe it’s the microwave part that did that. Is this cool or this an absolute fail?

A Poet’s Back
Not My President
We’ve all heard people chanting “not my president” about Donald Trump. But when it comes to this tattoo disaster, I can actually say, “that’s not my president!”

Not My President
When You Insist On Designing Your Own Tattoo
This guy could give himself credit for being able to draw a pretty cool dog. Although I wouldn’t go so far as to say that he should turn it into a tattoo on himself.

When You Insist On Designing Your Own Tattoo
Tattoo Fails
People use tattoos as a way of expressing themselves. Some look good and others look atrocious. What do you think about people getting tattoos on their faces?

Tattoo Fails
No Need To Study
Did you know that saints don’t have to study for tests because they get an automatic pass? That’s right, and by the way, and totally unrelated, sinners have a future.

No Need To Study
Pikachu, Where Are You?
Pikachu, Pikachu? Where are you? I’m asking because let’s be honest, I don’t see any Pikachus here. At least this little creature looks kind of happy.

Pikachu, Where Are You?
Death Before Dishonor
What on Earth is a “dishouner”? I’ve certainly never heard of it, but it sounds pretty bad – so bad that you’d rather die before having any of it.

Death Before Dishonor
Too Literal
The tattoo artist asked the new customer what tattoo he wanted, so the customer told him. “I want ‘regret’ in Chinese.” The artist asked him to write it down on a piece of paper, so he did.

Too Literal
Getting Over Your Ex Like
So many people have made the mistake of getting their boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s face tattooed to their body. But what are you supposed to do when you break up? Well this is certainly a creative option.

Getting Over Your Ex Like
Gaurd Or Guard?
Your heart is pretty important so you should definitely guard it, nobody is questioning that. But then there’s gaurding it, and we have no idea what that means.

Gaurd Or Guard?
Care For Some T?
Man, I’ve heard of people getting addicted to all different kinds of drugs from cocaine to LSD. But this life drug seems to have everyone hooked. It’s apparently the stronges drug out there.

Care For Some T?
Permanent Glasses
When Dave heard about laser surgery so that he wouldn’t have to wear glasses ever again, he jumped right onto it. It was only a few hours later that he realized he still couldn’t drive without a pair of glasses.

Permanent Glasses
The Real Harry Potter
We all know that Harry Potter is a fictional character from a book series, right? Well, this man might prove that wrong – it seems like Mr. Potter is alive and well.

The Real Harry Potter
Laden With The Wrong Tattoo
Who would be a good role model whose face would make a good tattoo on your body forever? Hmmmm, perhaps America’s most wanted terrorist until 2011 – Osama Bin Laden?

Laden With The Wrong Tattoo
Loves Judge Judy
You know what? Judge Judy is probably the most badass judge out there, so I can definitely get on board with this guy’s tattoo.

Loves Judge Judy
Ideal Hairline
Since his hair had started falling out, Roy wanted to ensure that he wouldn’t lose his hairline. There was only one option for him and he took it.

Ideal Hairline
X-Files Fan For Life
Do YOU believe that the truth is out there? Is there some extra-terrestrial life out there watching our planet? Or was there just a pretty cool TV series that ran for more than 20 years?

X-Files Fan For Life
Pikachu Saves The Day
There’s no need to fret when you’ve gotten a badly done tattoo. Some tattoo fails can be corrected with a little bit of creative genius.

Pikachu Saves The Day
What It Really Says
It’s pretty neat to get a tattoo in another language, isn’t it? Especially when you’re not sure what the translation is. I bet this says something like, “kettle ball, pajamas, needle, breath.”

What It Really Says
Is It Now?
If you want to get knowledge, you’ve got to go to college. If you want nolege, you can skip colege.

Is It Now?
It’s Does
You know, I really agree with this guy because it’s does get better. It’s really does, and it’s get better every single day.

It’s Does
Where’s The Barber Shop?
If you’re in need of a barber shop, the best place to find one would be this guy’s nose. We were ready to give him a pass on all the rest of the tatts, but the barber pole was the last straw… Wait, is it a straw?

Where’s The Barber Shop?
6-Pack Eventually
We all know way too well how difficult it is to get a six-pack. Sometimes you have to find a little creativity, and voila!

6-Pack Eventually
Do We Even Want To Know?
I have spent hours upon hours trying to figure out what this image is supposed to be, and still I’m not quite there. Is that the captain of the Mayflower playing a game of football while he encourages a bull to charge him?

Do We Even Want To Know?
Not The Same Wings
When Rachel told the tattoo artist that she wanted a pair of wings, this was definitely not what she meant. Going to the beach certainly made her friends hungry.

Not The Same Wings
Christopher Walken The Zombie
When was the last time you saw Christopher Walken? He is still alive, he’s not a zombie, and he doesn’t look anything like this depiction in the picture.

Christopher Walken The Zombie
Thenks God For Autocorrect
It’s always good to be thenksful for what you have. For your mather for father, for your brather and your saster.

Thenks God For Autocorrect
Sense Of Humor
Is this a tattoo fail, or is this just a hilarious couple who have a great sense of humor? If they grow old together then this ridiculous body art won’t be that bad.

Sense Of Humor
Bentley Is His Name
Would it surprise you if I told you that this guy’s name is Steven Bentley Anderson? Well regardless his name isn’t Bentley.

Bentley Is His Name
The Right Angle
Can you be more specific, please? Is she a 90 degree, a 45 degree, perhaps a 360 degree? We need to know what kind of angle your mom is.

The Right Angle
Always Braided
You can cut a man’s hair off, but you can’t remove his braid. The little girl inside him will always be alive and well.

Always Braided
Gaga Goo Goo
So he put them away away? What exactly does this all mean? It is really coherent sentence if you speak fluent gibberish.

Gaga Goo Goo
Where Were The Parents?
Is this supposed to tell us about where and how this guy was conceived? Or is this just a silly tattoo that seemed like a good idea at the time.

Where Were The Parents?
Not Strong
You need to be fierce, brilliant and stong! Wait, what is ‘stong’? Well whatever it is, it sounds like something pretty hardcore.

Not Strong
Unrecognizable Angelina
We all have that one celebrity that we just can’t get enough of. For some of us, that affinity extends beyond just being a fan. Some people want to immortalize their love for a celebrity, like this person who just loves Angelina Jolie so much. Unfortunately, the tattoo artist failed to capture Jolie’s signature look.

Unrecognizable Angelina
Holy Moly
Believing in a higher power helps many of us cope with life’s biggest mysteries. For many, knowing that there is something greater out there helps motivate us to take more risks. This guy in particular felt confident in all of his decisions, as he believes only a higher being can “juge” him.

Holy Moly
Just Why
It’s unclear whether this person if a fan of Jersey Shore’s Snookie, but choosing to tattoo her portrait with a black eye is certainly a bold choice. We really don’t know what the reasoning behind this tattoo was, and we’re not sure we could ever understand.

Just Why
Well, Maybe One Regret
Its great to live by the motto of not having any regrets, but it’s also important to spell check before you permanently ink yourself. This guy certainly had a regret after getting this tattoo done.

Well, Maybe One Regret
But Not As Awesome As Autocorrect
Getting a tattoo is a big decision, and certainly isn’t one to make lightly. It’s crucial to find a tattoo artist who can share your vision of what you want your tattoo to be. Clearly, the tattoo artist responsible for this piece needed to spend a bit more time in reading class.

But Not As Awesome As Autocorrect
Pretty Terrifying
This person must absolutely love Marilyn Monroe if they decided to get her forever tattooed on their body. Unfortunately, nobody looking at this tattoo will be able to understand who this person is supposed to be.

Pretty Terrifying
Anatomically Incorrect
Lots of people are fascinated by human anatomy and love looking at diagrams of it. However, upon closer inspection you’ll see that this tattoo has very little to do with human anatomy and is really confusing instead. Why are there cats inside of her? What’s the deal with the bananas? We’ll never know.

Anatomically Incorrect
Paying For His Sins
While we can appreciate the sentiment behind this apology tattoo, perhaps there is a better way to repent for whatever he did? Besides, maybe the best idea is to head to couple’s therapy instead.

Paying For His Sins
Well, At Least You Know Upfront
Some people might come across as really nice when in fact that are quite the opposite. You won’t have to guess with this guy, as he’s informed you of his personality type with the prominent tattoo on his forehead.

Well, At Least You Know Upfront
Please Check The Meaning First
In one of the biggest celebrity tattoo fails out there, Ariana Grande made the classic mistake of not checking what her tattoo means before getting it done. She chose to get a tattoo in Japanese, but it ended up meaning BBQ grill instead of what she had intended it to.

Please Check The Meaning First
And Not To Spell
This person loves living life to its fullest, fully aware of his own mortality. And while he might be “bron to die” he certainly was not born to be a master speller.

And Not To Spell
That Sure Looks Familiar
While the floral design tattooed on this guy’s body doesn’t look bad at all, it does seem very familiar. Once you realize it’s the design from Arizona green iced tea, you’ll never be able to unsee it.

That Sure Looks Familiar
First Thicker, And Then Blood
While it wasn’t so fun to learn while we were in school, grammar is quite important to know. It can mean the difference between having a tattoo that makes sense to one that doesn’t. Here, switching out one “e” for an “a” was all it took.

First Thicker, And Then Blood
A Whole New Creature
Some people want to have an animal tattoo, and that’s perfectly fine. However, it’s usually best to get a tattoo artist that can accurately portray said animal. That is, unless the whole point is to invent a totally new mythical creature.

A Whole New Creature
Ease In
All this person wanted was a simple reminder to slow down and take life easy. Sadly, there seemed to have been a bit of a miscommunication with the tattoo artist.

Ease In
Just Don’t Do It
Nike easily has one of the world’s most highly recognized logos and slogans of any brand out there. That being said, when trying to get a tattoo of an incredibly famous logo, you should generally make sure that it really looks like the logo, otherwise it will just look awkward.

Just Don’t Do It
Helmet Hair
As we age, it is inevitable that we begin losing some hair. This guy decided to nip the problem in the bud by shaving all of his remaining hair off and tattooing a permanent set hairdo in order to never feel like he’s lost “it.”

Helmet Hair
Freddie, Is That You?
Freddie Mercury is commonly referred to as one of the world’s greatest performers of all time. That’s why it’s understandable that someone would want to get him tattooed on their arm forever. However, we’re not sure that Freddie would approve of this rendition of his face.

Freddie, Is That You?
Maybe You Should Forget
We’re not sure what exactly this person is trying to refer to, but we’re certain that they should most definitely forget about the egregious spelling error that is permanently inked onto their skin.

Maybe You Should Forget
Not Something To Brag About
While this tattoo is thankfully all spelled correctly, the fact that simply cannot be ignored is that its message is painfully awkward. While we’re glad this guy is feeling confident in his identity, this tattoo was definitely not a must.

Not Something To Brag About