The Dentist
A trip to the dentist might seem like a regular duty to a parent, but to a kid it is very, VERY different.

The Dentist
Be Sure To Recycle
If there ever was a creature in charge of ensuring that humans recycle, he would probably look like this. You definitely need to attend a graphic design college to be able to create such an impressive artwork.

Be Sure To Recycle
The Alarm Clock
When it’s time to get up for school, it’s time! But have you ever thought about how a child sees an alarm clock? It’s probably not the friendliest thing to wake up to.

The Alarm Clock
One Eye
What was once a graphic design college assignment turned into a child’s drawing. Wait a second, it’s the other way around. This child drew his impression of a cyclops and then his dad turned it into the next Star Wars sidekick.

One Eye
An Evil Heart
If you ever wondered what an evil person’s heart would look like, we’re guessing that this is it. I mean we could be totally off and this isn’t what the kid was aiming for at all.

An Evil Heart
Going Shopping
To a child, the world is an adventure at every turn, and I mean EVERY turn. Going to the bakery is like cable-walking over a volcano. Choosing a new school bag is the difference between a parachute that will or won’t deploy. So what is it like for a child going clothes shopping?

Going Shopping
Intergalactic MacGyver
MacGyver has the ability to solve a whole collection of problems, but what about his intergalactic parallel self? Well aside from having to face a whole different universe of issues, he is equipped with all that he needs to take on the dilemmas of the outer-atmospheric sphere. Just take a look.

Intergalactic MacGyver
The Homeopath
No, this isn’t some kind of crazy person, although the doodle does seem to suggest that it is. Let’s imagine that his parents took him to see a homeopathic doctor, or to a Chinese medicine practitioner and this is what he saw.

The Homeopath
Oil Spill
When the news of an oil spill spread, it’s possible that the explanation offered by his parents wasn’t clear enough to the young boy. What he envisioned as an oil platform spill must have been quite far from the reality.

Oil Spill
The Future Stork
What would a stork of the future look like when it delivered babies? Well, after seeing this illustration, we would imagine something like this.

The Future Stork
The Key Lord
“What is a skeleton key?” he asked. And the answer his father gave him made some wheels turn in his imaginative little head and then this happened. Say hello to the “Key Lord” AKA the “Skeleton Key Holder”.

The Key Lord
An Unlikely Alliance
For all we know the child might have wanted these two characters to be enemies. But after seeing what his dad did with the help of his graphic design college degree, we can’t help but love the result.

An Unlikely Alliance
The Botanist
He had just learned about the Venus flytrap and next he was on to botanists. Before the teacher had finished explaining exactly what botanists are and what they do, he had already thought it up.

The Botanist
Sunday Church
Attending church every Sunday gave the boys ample time to do some imagining. Hearing all about the Holy Trinity and the importance of charity, their minds ran wild.

Sunday Church
Hoverboard Girl
Is this maybe the product of a ‘crush’ drawing? Wait a second, are you ready to have your mind blown? What if this father is actually the first to draw and his kids are merely trying to copy his drawings? Mind = blown!

Hoverboard Girl