World’s Riskiest Dog Breeds to Bring Home

Published on October 25, 2017

Jack Russell Terrier

If you remember the show Frasier then you remember his pet Jack Russell Terrier, named Moose. These dogs were bred to take on foxes and vermin underground. If these doggies get bored or are not properly socialized then they get a bit dangerous. They also never back down from a fight no matter who the opponent.

Jack Russel Jumping

Jack Russel Jumping

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one of the most common and popular dogs in North America, but they are also one of the most dangerous breeds on this list. German Shepherds are known for their size, striking color pattern, and proficiency in several service areas including work as police dogs. German Shepherds are enormously strong with a biting force of 1,060 newtons. High energy and the tendency to attack smaller animals can make the German Shepherd a dangerous breed to have around the home.

German Shepherd

German Shepherd